Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade - Village of Eden

Eden Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Village of Eden, WI was looking to renovate and expand its waste water treatment capacity due to outdated equipment and growing needs.

The village contracted with CDSMITH and Rohde Brothers, Inc. to completely retrofit its current waste water plant. The project consisted of several changes which enhanced capacity and updated the operation from a 100% manual one, to an automated plant which can be monitored and operated remotely by one person. The upgrade increased overall capacity of some parts of the plant 300% and includes new piping, pumps, blowers, HVAC, a new Alum tank and system, a new skimmer, and completely new sensors and controls throughout.

Customized Solution:

  • All new HVAC throughout the system included fans, blowers, exhaust, furnaces, and room heating units.
  • A new alum injection system with new tank, mixer, and pumps.
  • New and much more efficient variable speed pumps to move effluent around the various operation stages of the plant.
  • New and expanded piping throughout the facility.
  • A new testing center which automates the testing process.
  • 3 Kaeser rotary lobe blower systems which functionally increase the airation capacity 3x while saving energy.
  • Several fans and vent fans were installed to maintain breatheable air inside all areas of the facility.

Village of Eden WWTP

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